Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One of the best choice I made so far was to have the wedding on 2 different dates.
Waking up at 4.30am is not joke.

How can I possibly smile and look radiant at night with so little sleep??
How can I possibly enjoy every moment of it when my brain is yearning for more sleep?

So to whoever think having the wedding on 2 different dates are tiring
Siao! Having it on 1 day is even worse.

Think about it.
Who can have a drink with friends and relax at night after a day time of chaos?
Who can not rush around from point A to point B in order to catch as much sleep as possible & not be late for your wedding dinner?

Well…. I can! =)

And to whoever think having the wedding on 2 different dates are too much work.
Siao x 2! Everything is already fixed in advance. What work?
You can wake up at 2pm and nobody care.

And that's what I plan to do.

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