Lots of stuffs to complete and tonne of research to be done.
Even looking for a ROM dress is taking me forever to decide...
... or aleast us to decide on the colour theme...
I really like this.
But is hard for ben to match the colour.
A yellow tie just seem.... so wrong.
Next is the Make-up Artist, I really like the makeup I saw at a friend's ROM.
The makeup artist charge $200 with a trial makeup.
Not too bad.
Then I found 1 which charge $250 with flowers, groom's styling & hair accessories!
But of course, there's no trial.
As I was flipping the magazine, I saw the name of the make-up artist for my friend's ROM.
She's doing make-up for bridal magazine!
Gosh. That means she must be quite good isn't it!
I am having a headache just thinking about it